#365yoga: Day 100 Muscles

I’m taking a few moments out of the craziness of life to flex my mental muscle and write a quickie blog post.  My folks are visiting from Canada and my eldest is finally starting to feel better after a bout with strep throat.  I have had virtually no time to move and yoga in the last 48 hours.

But guess what:  reality taking over my practice has been a good thing.  My left hamstring has been screaming at me since I slipped while demonstrating Virabhadrasana II because there was water on the floor of the gym where I was teaching.  I nearly went from Warrior II into Hanumanasana and instantly felt the pain that was to only get worse.  (Oh and to answer the obvious questions: YES everyone was watching me demo, sort of embarassing and it was 5 months ago) Let me tell you, dear readers, how fortunate I am that yoga is a life choice for me because I was able to continue on with teaching, and practicing daily despite the tear/damage/pull.  While I was pretty careful to practice ahimsa and bend my knees and not over stretch that sore hamstring, it has never ceased to bother me. This past week in fact it has been the most sore yet.

So again, life interferes with my time on the mat, but today I am appreciating it.  My leg feels immensely better than it did Friday night and I have had a lovely time hanging with the family.  I have not missed my yoga because this weekend my yoga was being with my parents, my kids and NOT over stretching my very sore hamstring.

Yes, I want muscles, but I want ones that are happy and healthy.  My hamstrings are singing with Diana Ross today, and my heart is singing with my crew.

May the end of weekend find YOUR muscles in a better place than they started it.  Know my left hamstring is sending you some love.

p.s. I am so excited that on day 100 I will be getting my 1000th comment.  Thanks for everything you amazing readers!!


Filed under #365yoga, postaday2011, Yoga

7 responses to “#365yoga: Day 100 Muscles

  1. Such a beautiful way to keep practicing…on or off the mat. And may your muscles continue to feel the love as well!!

  2. my hamstrings thank your hamstrings 😉

    hope u continue getting better; and such a great time w/family!

  3. Hoping you all continue healing. Om shanti. oxox

  4. The wisdom of knowing when to stop. It’s a good thing to have. Hoping that your hammie is feeling even better still!

  5. My back and your hamstrings are excellent teachers…


  6. congrats 100 days! sometimes not doing much is an empowering practice! Heal hamstring heal!

  7. taraSG

    Congrats on 100 days and 1000 comments!! Hope your hamstring feels better 🙂

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