#365yoga: Day 110 Crazy

You ever do something and then think to yourself, “that was totally nuts and maybe I should keep it a secret?”  Well I had one of those moments today, but thankfully I have my blog to spill the beans to you my dear readers.  I am looking at this post as a moment of satya and a way of reminding us all to listen to what is “best” for yourself rather than worrying what others might say.

I received this beautiful Ganehsa statue from a dear friend.  However several months after I got it,  I noticed that the end of the trunk was broken off and was missing.  Now Ganesha’s trunk symbolizes viveka (discrimination) and often is thought to be of symbol of OM.  My Ganehsa had a broken OM and that bothered me EVERY time I looked at it.  I kept wondering if there was some bad juju that was connected to a damaged Ganesha statue, and this thought would not go away from my festering brain.

Today, I found several sources on-line saying that it was bad luck to keep a broken Ganesha in your house and that you needed to get rid of it in a respectful way.  All sites said to wrap the statue in red cloth and release it (wishing it good luck on its journey) in a river or body of water. A hour later  I grabbed that statue, wrapped it in a red piece of cloth along with some rice and chocolate for the journey and dropped it in a river by my house.  The minute I let go I felt a mixture of relief (whew bad juju vamoosing) and insanity (did I really just drive to do this??).

Whether or not I just lost a cool statue or cleared my house of some bad luck omen I was listening at that moment to what I felt I needed to do.  Practicing yoga in your own way is really no different.  You need to pay attention to what works for you (what feels good in your body, your mind and your spirit) and make that part of your yoga whether someone else thinks it is poppy cock or not.

Several of my students come to my classes and those of another teacher.  Both of us approach the mat from a place of safety and spirit, but we teach certain poses differently.  The cues, the alignment and the sequencing might be completely at odds, but our intentions are really the same. My students who study with both of us understandably can be confused as to which “way” is correct.  So I tell them to try everything they are offered and find the place that is right whether it fits with what either of us told them or not. Their practice, and all of ours, is to let go of the need to find the perfect way to do a pose and instead find a way to do the poses that are perfect for them.

In reality this message is no different whether you are talking yoga or tossing a Ganesha statue into a river.  Both require you to look at what will make you feel at home, at ease and in a space where you are you.  No practice or moment is perfection for everyone, but as yogis it is our job to find the path to the one that is right for us.

So sitting now writing with my satya and my story, I know that what I did in that moment was perfect for me.  Watching that Ganesha packaged respectfully with sweets and blessings, floating along the river in his red wrapping was the right thing for me to do.

If listening to my truth makes me crazy, then crazy I am.

p.s. If you know whether or not this is true (bad luck and damaged statues) let me know…


Filed under #365yoga, postaday2011, Yoga

10 responses to “#365yoga: Day 110 Crazy

  1. Definitely not crazy:-) I love how you say, “As yogis it is our job to find the path to the one that is right for us.” So perfectly said, and something I shared just this week;-) Hugs, Terra

  2. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but then I’ve heard things like… if you break your mala and can’t find all of the beads – you either downsize it to a smaller denomination (56, 28) or dispose of the beads. If it’s rudraksha or wood, you should burn them, if they’re stone then scatter them in nature.

    So I can imagine that this idea for Ganesha isn’t far from the truth. He is after all, the keeper and master of kundalini. It’s a good idea to have him intact and if not, then let him go.

    Sounds like a lovely (and not crazy) ritual to me. 🙂

  3. I keep wondering which river it is ’cause I want some chocolate…

  4. I am chuckling out loud at Meredith’s reply, and thinking what a deep person you are. In addition to taking care of your own needs and treating the tradition respectfully, I think you did a beautiful thing for the person who gave you the statue, too. And then you bust out with the Satya element — well, I can’t see how it could be better than that.

  5. You had me laughing out loud & I SO woulda done the same thing! Don’t know which is true but in the end truth for YOU prevailed!

  6. bad juju be gone! and now you’ve gotten me thinking I need to unpackage the baby ganesh I brought home months ago and inspect it. 🙂

  7. Sherry

    Love this post. I have taken many classes and the instructions from teachers vary widely. Many are completely different from what I’ve been taught in teacher training — and you are totally on spot. It’s whatever feels best to each individual student. I always tell my students that I’m there just to guide them, but they are to find what feels good to them in each asana.

  8. as you say, “Practicing yoga in your own way is really no different. You need to pay attention to what works for you” – yes!

    is there “one” correct way to hit a baseball? paint a picture? dance a happy gig?

    there might be (and should be) some minimal considerations, safety and effectiveness, alignment, but beyond that…think of it as just another lineage in yoga’s long lines of linking over-lapping variations 😉

    you did good cause it was good for you and harmful to no one else!

    nice post nancy, thanks!

  9. thanks for all the lovely replies! good to know I’m not the only nutty one in the bunch or at least that I have pals that make me think that way 😉

  10. i love that you gave the ole sweets loving guy a “carb load and chocolate roadie.” perfect! this is such a great story. and a lovely ritual. did you walk? did you drive? how did your ritual happen?

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